Thursday, May 17, 2012

May 2012 Blood test results

Today I have my first visit with my new HIV specialist, Dr Cable.  From my very first call to his office to schedule my appointment I had a great feeling about him.  Today I felt 120% confident in him and his nurse.  Now lets get to the important stuff..

My viral load is undetectable and the lab is able to test to as little as 20 copies.  (this translates to great news)
CD4 count is 549

I will be going back in 3 months for another visit and more blood work in 2 months.  I also hear that Prezista (one of prescriptions) will soon be available in an 800 mg tablet which means I won't have to take  two a day once they are released!  Yay..

Don't forget to get tested on a regular basis and know your status.  Visit to purchase your STD and HIV screening tests.  Use promo code KnowYourStatus

Start the conversation and #KnowYourStatus

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